Who we are

What is Relocate&Save?

Relocate&Save is a consulting firm and a network of immigration and tax lawyers from multiple jurisdictions. Our main service consists of, first, helping individuals understand the immigration requirements and tax advantages of different jurisdictions, and then assisting them in relocating to their ideal destination.

Currently, Relocate&Save has employees and partners in more than a dozen jurisdictions, with its main headquarters located in the beautiful and mountainous Andorra.

Relocate&Save also owns four brands corresponding to the four destinations most requested by our clients:

Why trust us?

When we decided to create Relocate&Save in 2019, our mission was to offer a service that helped clients change their tax residence and significantly reduce their tax burden. We aimed to do this with a unique approach, as our team comprises lawyers specialized in specific jurisdictions working alongside lawyers with a global perspective on international taxation.

This distinction is crucial, as clients previously had to choose between consulting tax advisors in their country of origin or professionals in their destination country.

Neither option is optimal: if they consult a tax advisor from their country of origin, the advisor may lack knowledge of the peculiarities and opportunities of other countries. On the other hand, if they contact a lawyer in the destination country, he not also will likely be unfamiliar with the idiosyncrasies of the country of origin (such as exit taxes, nationality-based taxation, non-resident taxes, etc.), but that which might lead to overlooking more suitable destinations.

For example, one of our first clients was a Spaniard who was thinking of moving to Georgia. If he had started the process directly with a Georgian firm, he wouldn’t have realized that, for tax reasons and cultural affinity, Andorra was a much better fit for him. We advised him accordingly, and he is still happily residing in Andorra today, often reminding us of the significant mistake he nearly made.

Relocate&Save offers comprehensive yet centralized advice, addressing this fundamental question before starting the relocation process: how does my desired destination fit with my needs and situation?

To do this, our lawyers with knowledge of the country of origin and those with knowledge of the destination jointly analyze your situation and present their conclusions, suggesting alternative destinations when necessary. Once the suitability of the destination is confirmed, our local team gets to work on obtaining residency and, if requested, assists with secondary procedures such as finding real estate and opening bank accounts.

And we do it with the highest guarantee of excellence: all our advisors are of reputable prestige, always chosen according to very demanding criteria, like experience in Big Four, studies in universities such as Leiden, Leuven, ESADE or Amsterdam, and posession of certificates such as CTA or ACCA.

Why do we do this?

We believe that states should have a reasonable tax burden and we defend the right of the individual to keep the wealth he has produced with his work for himself, so our mission is to help him keep it safe from tax spoliation, crime and inflation generated by irresponsible monetary policies.

However, our commitment to the law is unwavering: while we are certain that hard work and freedom are the driving forces that propel the human progress, we are also convinced that societies do not advance if laws are not obeyed and followed. And that includes tax laws.

Even so, we believe that the individuals should keep as much as possible of the wealth they generate, without deny that his State of origin has under certain circumstances the power to extract that wealth from him through the tax Law.

So, how do we combine both principles? By the only legal and legitimate redoubt that remains: helping the individual to move to a country where the gains of his labor are more respected.

Our activity has nothing to do with setting up offshore companies to hide income from the local tax authorities: that is evasion, a crime that as such has to be prosecuted. What we do at Relocate&Save is to help our client to find countries in which, if they take the step, they must actually reside (normally 183 days a year) to benefit from their favorable tax conditions.

We are convinced that this encourages healthy tax competition between states and pushes the world in the right direction: towards states that are more efficient and respectful of the fruits of their citizens’ efforts.

How to make the first move?

If you are seriously interested in changing your tax residence, please contact us through the contact form or writing to [email protected].

And if you are starting to consider a change of residence but are still not sure about the destination, we recommend you to read our updated report “The top three tax destinations right now”, available free of charge below.

Download the free report

The top three tax destinations
right now
  • Our favorite tax destinations for 2024
  • Explanation of their tax frameworks
  • How to get their residency

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